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The purpose of this blog is to provide a forum for sharing information and developing resources for translators and practitioners of Tibetan Buddhism. Tsadra staff and guest writers will regularly post information here, so feel free to subscribe.
Elizabeth’s Handout on the Zab mo nang don
Elizabeth's Handout on the Zab mo nang don Zab mo Nang don Chapters Introduction One: The Causes and Conditions for Saṃsāra and Nirvāṇa Two: Development of Body in Womb Three: Nāḍīs Four: Prāṇas Five: [...]
Those basic buddha-nature terms…
Those basic buddha-nature terms… John says: As threatened in my speech last week, I’m posting the following little list of very basic terms for which I’d really like to find a [...]
Tsadra Fellows: Another Photo
Tsadra Fellows: Another Photo slightly less blurry ?
Hommage à Mañjushrî
Hommage à Mañjushrî Tashima Louange à Mañjushrî Om Immuable source de bonheur sont les Trois Joyaux Dont tu émanes et rejaillis Comme « Refuge sacré, digne refuge, « Suprêmement glorieux Douce Gloire. » Tu [...]