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Intermediate State: A Discussion in the Mahâvibhâsha
Intermediate State: A Discussion in the Mahâvibhâsha Om arapacana dhîh Discussion on the Intermediate State in the Mahâvibhâsha Translated from the Chinese version by Xuanzang Apidamo da pibosha lun, T 1545, vol. 27, p. [...]
The Karoṣṭhi Klub at The University of Washington
The Karoṣṭhi Klub at The University of Washington Every Friday afternoon at the University of Washington a group of scholars and students gather their laptops, electronic tablets, projectors, and infrared images [...]
Upcoming Tsadra Foundation Series Title: The Buddha from Dölpo
Upcoming Tsadra Foundation Series Title: The Buddha from Dölpo Revised Version of "The Buddha from Dölpo" Now Available The Buddha from Dölpo is a revised and enlarged edition of the only book about the most [...]
The University of Washington – Early Buddhist Manuscripts Project
The University of Washington – Early Buddhist Manuscripts Project The University of Washington – Early Buddhist Manuscripts Project: Rediscovering the Worlds’ Oldest Buddhist Manuscripts I. Origin of the Early Buddhist Manuscripts [...]