Three-Year Studies Scholarship Application

Welcome to the online application form for the Tsadra Foundation Advanced Buddhist Studies Scholarships.

For your convenience, this application form can be completed in one single session or in multiple sessions. If you wish to start the application process now and complete it another time, save your information after each session. By entering your email address, you will receive a link that will allow you to continue filling out the form at any time. Remember that the link sent by email will expire after 30 days. Do not upload the required PDF documents until final submission.

  • Please consider your fellow students and only apply for a scholarship if you are actually in need of financial support. Only a small number of study scholarships are awarded each year.

    If you have the financial means that allows you to pay for yourself, please do not apply. This is an honor system. By not applying if you have your own financial means—even though you may be academically qualified—you are giving others a chance who otherwise would not be able to do these studies.
  • Personal Info

  • Please, do not use diacritics in your name.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Contact Info

  • Institute Info

  • The Program

  • (e.g. foundation classes, prajnaparamita studies, madhyamaka)
  • (e.g. years two to four)

  • Questionnaire

  • Please list the texts or courses in your three-year program.
    When listing Tibetan texts, please use Wylie transliteration and translate the titles into English.

  • 0 of 1500 max characters
  • 0 of 1500 max characters
  • 0 of 1500 max characters
  • 0 of 3000 max characters

  • Required Documents

  • Do not upload the required PDF documents until final submission.
  • Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 256 MB.
    Please, do not use diacritics in the file names.
  • Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 256 MB.
    Please, do not use diacritics in the file names.
  • Accepted file types: jpg, png, Max. file size: 256 MB.
    Please, do not use diacritics in the file names.
  • Two Letters of Recommendation Details

  • First Letter of Recommendation

  • Second Letter of Recommendation

  • Submit Now or Save for Later

  • Please review carefully all the fields in the form and verify that your information is correct before submitting your scholarship application form. Preparing and collecting the required documents may take some time and we encourage you to plan well ahead of the scholarship deadlines.

    Important remarks about required documents

    The required documents are not saved to continue later. You must upload all the documents when you are ready to submit the application form. All the documents should be submitted in PDF format, and the head and shoulders photo in JPG or PNG format.

    Remember that the two letters of recommendation should be submitted directly to the Foundation by those writing them on your behalf.

    Thank you.