Tsadra Digital Resources

Tsadra Foundation supports the work of students, practitioners, translators, and researchers of Tibetan Buddhism through the development of digital resources. In taking advantage of contemporary tools in the digital humanities, Tsadra Foundation aims to be at the forefront of providing tools for the study and practice of Buddhism. Here you can find a number of resources for access to digital Tibetan texts and detailed catalogs of information for translators, researchers, and students. You can also visit an extensive list of online tools and resources.

Digital Publications

The DharmaCloud Library

This online library of Tibetan texts is the fruition of a genuine collaboration combining the work of Himalayan publishers and Tsadra Foundation’s digital expertise. This library is an exemplary demonstration of what is possible when cross-cultural collaboration is paired with skillful design and development. Containing hundreds of digital Tibetan texts from more than twelve different publishers, offered for free download, this digital library is a treasure for people wishing to gain access to Tibetan Buddhist teachings in Tibetan. Visit the DharmaCloud.

The Bilingual Library

Over the last fifteen years, Tsadra Foundation has been developing and publishing bilingual Buddhist digital books. Interactive bilingual collections of key translated texts for the study and practice of Tibetan Buddhism are a unique contribution to study resources and are already used in Western classrooms and by shedra students in Asia to deepen their knowledge with the support of the latest technologies. Some of these resources are distributed by the Foundation at the App Store and Google Play Store. Learn More.

Tsadra AI Dharma Lab

A Collaboration with the University of California, Berkeley and Dharmamitra

We’re working to support Buddhist studies through artificial intelligence tools and resources for scholars and translators. Through our collaboration with the Berkeley Mitra team, we’re developing innovative approaches that enhance research and translation while maintaining the integrity and depth of Buddhist teachings. Tsadra Foundation and Mitra are also engaged in a three-year collaboration project to develop AI tools specifically tailored for Buddhist translation and research.

You will find all the webinars, slides, and case studies presented during our AI Tibetan Translation workshop linked here

Digital Catalogs

The Rinchen Terdzö Catalog

The Great Treasury of Rediscovered Teachings

This catalog presents information about each of the texts in the 72-volume Shechen Edition of the Rinchen Terdzö Chenmo, The Great Treasury of Rediscovered Teachings. This unique collection, the largest of the five treasuries that Jamgon Kongtrul the Great compiled throughout his life, is comprised of many Rediscovered Teachings (gter ma) from various traditions of Tibetan Buddhism. Tsadra Foundation has been funding the editing and reproduction of a new printing of the text with Shechen Monastery for many years and is delighted to provide this valuable resource. This catalog is unique in that it provides access to all texts in unicode and as PDF documents, available for free download, including the tsagli and mandala images associated with each terma cycle. The catalog also provides critical information for researchers such as biographies of revealers and authors, cross-referenced with the Tertön Gyatsa (gter ston brgya rtsa), and textual metadata with cataloging notes. Visit The Great Treasury of Rediscovered Teachings Catalog.

The Damngak Dzö Catalog

The Treasury of Precious Instructions

This catalog presents the eighteen volumes of Jamgon Kongtrul’s Treasury of Precious Instructions: Essential Teachings of the Eight Practice Lineages of Tibet (gdams ngag rin po che’i mdzod). Through this collection Jamgon Kongtrul and Khyentse Wangpo encouraged respect for the principal transmission lineages of practice that came from India. The catalog includes detailed information about each text such as size, location, lists of people associated with each text, lineage data, lists of translations available, and comparisons with previous catalogs. For research purposes, all colophons, text titles, and author names are recorded in both Extended Wylie and Unicode Tibetan. Visit the Treasury of Precious Instructions Catalog.
